Watch out for deer on the roads

Watch out for deer on the roads

by Becky Harrison |
posted 15 October 2019

At this time of year you might spot more deer and other animals crossing the road, especially if you are out and about early in the morning or after dark. Here are some tips on how to protect yourself and these animals from danger while driving.

Richard Gladman is head of driving and riding standards at IAM RoadSmart and while he states that observation and anticipation are key to sound driving decisions, he also has some tips for drivers:

  1. If you see deer warning signs (or signs for any other animals), make sure to slow down and be on high alert.

  2. Remember that deer are herd animals so if you see one, it’s likely that others are around.

  3. If it’s safe to do so, stop and try to warn other drivers with early brake lights or hazards. 

  4. While it goes against all of your instincts try not to swerve to avoid hitting a deer, as you may be putting yourself and other road users in more danger.

  5. If you do hit an animal pull in at a safe place and call the police with precise details about location. Do not try to approach the animal as this could cause further injury.

  6. If a collision has knocked your confidence, IAM RoadSmart have advanced courses and assessments which can help.

Richard adds: “A collision with any animal is unpleasant and we should make every effort to avoid this. A collision will likely cause injury and it will definitely cause damage to your vehicle. Slow down a little and remember we are sharing the wildlife’s habitat and not the other way around.”


Becky Harrison
Becky Harrison

Becky is part of the marketing team here at Money4yourMotors. Becky oversees a wide range of marketing activities including social media and content creation.